Saturday, June 23, 2012


If reality is perception, then that reality is ever changing, fluid in the face of an inconstant world and altered perceptions. Does blue still exist for the blind man, or music for the deaf person? My world has shrunken to a small reality, the extent of my own perceptions the walls of my home. Does that change the world outside, or does it change me so that I no longer know that world. I know this is temporary, that this too shall pass. Still the reality I had created for myself has shifted again, as my body changes and finds new ways to hold me captive. How does one adapt to a reality that is less than the one they had already come to accept, one that requires greater sacrifice and loss? Adaptation, that is what. I change my perception, I stop seeing and hearing the defeat, I listen for the positive and choose to hear it alone. I seek to change my perceptions, and by doing so, change my own reality. We cannot change our bodies, we cannot control the disordered nervous system, or mend the invisible wounds. But we can control how we feel and think about it, whether we let it destroy us, or whether we choose to stand strong and persevere in spite of our physical states. Our minds have to be stronger, our spirits stronger, and in the doing so, our reality becomes more than our bodies.